Current issues relating to each gun type are dealt with in detail on individual gun issues pages.
Current issuse are listed below:-
Airguns - We are concerned about the child on child and other tragedies involving perpetrators with airguns and call for the end of the 'boys' toys' culture surrounding airguns. From 2016 Airguns in Scotland will require to be licensed. Airgun shooting activities should not be promoted to children through outward bound holidays, school evnts, cubs, scouts or through and adventure centres promoting shooting as a 'fun' or 'exciting' activity. There is no evidence to support claims by vested interest groups in the gub lobby that giving guns to chilldren promotes discipline, gun safety or respect for weapons.
Animal Cruelty - We are concerned about the use of airguns, bb guns and shotguns to kill and injure domestic, wild and farm animals. We are also aware of incidents of armed animal cruelty linked to domestic violence and the number of shootings involving protected species, raptors, known to prey on birds raised for commercial shoots.
See 'Airgun Deaths', 'Airgun Issues' 'Shotgun Issues' and 'Domestic Violence' pages
Airsoft Guns and skirmishing sites - We are concerned about the increasing use of these guns which are used in airsoft skirmishing activities and are exact replicas of prohibited guns and the most dangerous military weapons. Airsoft gun enthusiasts acquire collections of replica guns and dress up and use them in simulated military situations acting out violent combat warrier fantasies.
NB Data published by The Office for National Statistics demonstrates that over 80% of offences involving imitation firearms involved BB guns or soft air weapons. (2016)
The Home Office fails to monitor the proliferation, mangement or effects the growth of the airsoft skirmishing industry is having on communities and on the increase in airsoft gun crime. We are concerned about the easy access to airsoft weapons, lack of backround checks on individuals accessing airsofft weapons and an increase in airsoft gun crime.
See 'Airsoft Gun Issues' page
Armed Domestic Violence - We are concerned about the levels of overt and covert use of guns to threaten control or induce fear of violence and the numbers of deaths and injuries.
NB We support the call for a national 24/7 Gun Hotline where those worried about their own or another's safety following threats or the behaviour of someone known to have access to a gun, could raise their concerns, anonymously if necessary.
We are concerned about the failure of the licensing procedure to keep family members and others safe from individuals with licensed guns.
Legal gun owners claim to be responsible, highly trained, disciplined individuals who can be trusted to behave responsibly at all times with their guns.
Legal Gun owners and Enthusiasts, Domestic Violence, Murder and Murder Suicide
We are concerned about the illegal activities of some legal gun owners, gun collectors, gun dealers and members of shooting clubs and teams, including those selected to represent their country at national and international shooting events. We are aware that some resort to their guns to threaten, kill and injure wives, partners, children, neighbours, work colleagues and random victims when faced with stressful situations.
Relationship breakdown, family arguments, employment issues, financial problems, deteriorating mental and physical health, alcohol/ substance abuse, depression, property repossessions, impending prosecutions, separation and divorce are all known catalysts which prompt these tragic acts of violent desperation.
Licensing - We are concerned the licensing procedure is failing to protect the public from harm caused by those with legally owned guns. The lack of adequate background checks and failure to take action when families or individuals raise concerns has enabled dangerous individuals with a history of domestic violence and alcohol/substance abuse to acquire / retain guns with tragic consequences.
Those affected believe an increase in the licensing fee would enable wider more thorough investigation into the behaviour and health of applicants and ensure that unsuitable applicants were refused.
We note the Report off HM Inspector of Constabularies called for action to address problems identified in his Report regarding Firearms Licensing. H.M Inspector of Constabularies Report - Targeting The Risk
School Shooting and Combined Cadet Force in School - We are concerned about the rise in the number of gun massacres in schools, colleges and unitersities throughout the world. We are concerned about the current policy of introducing school children to guns in 500 state schools through the Combined Cadet Force.
The public is alarmed about the ecruitment of children to carry and conceal guns for gangmembers, and the recruitwhile also actively encouraging children to develop an interest in weapons by giving them opportunities to handle and use them within schools.
Shotgun Gun Suicides - We are concerned about the number of suicides involving owners of licensed shotguns. We call for families and friends of gun owners to be aware of health related situations and other circumstances impacting on gun owners and others living in homes where there is access to a gun. Situations involving relationship breakdowns, family issues, debt and work related issues being suffered by those with access to a gun in the home are catalysts which lead to gun suicide.
See 'Shotgun Issues' page
NB All the UK multiple shootings in recent decades have involved legal guns and all but one (involving father's legally held weapon) have involved licensed gun owners. (Hungerford: Bristol: Monkseaton: Dunblane: N.W. London: Shropshire: Cumbria: Horden: Surrey, Lincolnshire)

Source: Global Firearm Deaths (Toronto: Small Arms/Firearms Education and Research Network 2005),; also United Nations (UN) the Eighth International Crime Victims Survey, 2000. Prepared by the Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute, 2003,