Contact us if you, a member of your family. or someone you know has been, or is being affected by gun misuse issues. We can offer support, advice and networking opportunities.
Contact us if you are aware of a gun incident which does not appear on our Reported Incident page. We may be able to add it to our list.
Contact us if you, or a group or organisation you are involved with, share our aims and objectives. We can provide more information about how you or your group can help us to raise awareness of gun misuse issues.
Contact us if you are a teacher, student, pupil, journalist, researcher etc. and cannot find the information you need.
Contact us if you know of any resources or campaigns that are not recorded on our site.
Write to us at:-
Infer Trust, P.O. Box 11493, London, N3 2FE
Email us at
Or phone us on 0771 9696 279